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♡⚡️ Landscapes of Love Webzine
♡⚡️ Love Letter to Digital Love Languages
♡⚡️ Digital Love Languages on Are.na
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🦋  Welcome to the online hub of Digital Love Languages, a 10 week online class at the School for Poetic Computation stewarded by Melanie Hoff, Max Fowler, Adina Glickstein, and Amber Officer-Narvasa.

🦋  As our daily activities and closest relationships become increasingly bound up with corporate systems of surveillance and exploitation, let’s explore and cultivate code as a love language that can be gentle, healing, and intimate. How do we want to live in a post COVID-19 world, and what role do we want technology to play? Digital Love Languages: Codes of Affirmation is a class about building poetic tools for online communion through a re-introduction to computers. This class is also a call to action for expanding computation’s capacity for fostering interdependence and feeling.

🦋  Together we will build small and personal software for affirming one another across physical distance. Technology will be unpacked as a social process, not only a logic or material, regarding code as a craft and medium capable of expressing the full range of feeling and desire.

🦋  This course covers the building blocks of programming and natural language processing using Python & Javascript in the browser. Networks of people and computers become fertile sites for ambient and playful communication. We will look to the history of the love letter as a form, from the quill to the sext.
Through coding with langugage and in the browser, we can facilitate a kind of care that happens in small moments of routine.


🩸  What if all the software we used was made by people who love us?

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